YOU are a Piece of the Puzzle / by Keri Campbell


Who in the world doesn't love a good challenge?! Honestly, I think it is the reason why people love to sit and work on a difficult puzzle together. So that in the end, you can exclaim, "WE DID IT!!" Right? Have you been there? Given up on that crazy hard puzzle where every.stinking.piece.looks.the.same, only to come back to it after a family member found a couple more pieces that fit just right?? When it comes to a challenge, sometimes it is just more fun to work as a team!

Okay. Here's where YOU come in to being a PIECE to the PUZZLE that God is putting together in Berlin, Germany. (See what I did there?)  Our family purchased a puzzle illustrating all of the key landmarks of Germany. This box'o'challenge will arrive at our doorstep sometime this week. (Thank you, AmazonPrime!!)

YOU are going to join our team, Team Berlin, by helping us put this puzzle together! YOU will become a PIECE of God's mission work in Germany! Are YOU excited?!?!

Here is how it will work:

We will not begin the work of putting the pieces together until they are purchased by donors. SO that means we cannot put the pieces together until two have been donated. :)

YOU will get the opportunity to purchase puzzle pieces at your own monetary discretion. Now, this IS a FUNdraiser, and as my friend Rachel pointed out to me we "are going to Germany not Abilene!" That being said, the smallest donation per piece will be $5...but there is NO cap on the HIGHEST donation. (Did you hear that? NO CAP!)

When you purchase a puzzle piece, I will write your name on the back of the it and our family will pray for you and your family. We will then post it on our blog along with a fun~fact about Germany. We will be putting this puzzle together on a large piece of glass so that we will be able to see the top and the bottom, a beautiful reminder of those who have joined in what the LORD is doing across the world!

How to purchase a puzzle piece:


This is the hard part...YOU have to FILL out some information. I am so sorry! I know it's a pain!! But it means the WORLD to us!! And it's fun, remember??!! Okay, fill that stuff out and, this is IMPORTANT...where it says Use My Gift For The Initiative Designated By The Follow Account: In "Further designation details" PLEASE PUT "PUZZLE FUNDRAISER" in that box. That will help us determine who is giving specifically to this FUNdraiser!

Did I mention that your gift is tax deductible? It is!! Yay for YOU!!

We will use the funds received to get to Germany. It costs a LOT of money to move internationally. Like, a LOT! So, with our whole hearts we thank you for being a part of our team in this way! The second you purchase a puzzle piece, you will join a mission team! Our prayer is that this will ignite conversations around the dinner table regarding God's heart for missions...We can also throw out some conversation starters as donations come in. We hope that you are encouraged through this and that your love for Jesus and ALL that He did for you is strengthened! Get your whole families involved! Our children are already sharing this with their friends, and we LOVE that! Make sure they know how to get involved! It is a sweet, sweet thing to watch children desire a love for Jesus through missions. Share this on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, whatever social media you use! This is YOUR team, remember?

We are thrilled to see what the LORD does to encourage you all in this journey. Thank you for joining our team!

The Campbells