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Laying Down More Rights (Part II)

Laying Down More Rights (Part II)Our Plans For This Summer

In one week we will be wrapping up our time of training. During this past season we have seen God do far more abundantly than we could ever ask or think. It has been an amazing time. We have seen Jesus going from a much discussed theological reality to becoming a very present, very alive, and so very powerful God to be worshiped and enjoyed. The stories of God’s miraculous and amazing intervention and provision have been steadily building up over these past five months.

But as this time begins to come to a close our thoughts have begun to turn to “what’s next.” Obviously being in training and living in various time zones with spotty internet access (to say the least) we have essentially not been able to do any support raising at all for the past five months. Even before our training began we planned to spend the month of June meeting with people and finishing our support raising before heading to Berlin. But that was our plan. That was what we thought was needed. I mean let’s face it, we still do not have what we need. It’s a great cause right? It is needed, right? This is a worthwhile plan, right? But we are learning that that is not necessarily God’s plan.

One common theme that we have been convicted of is that it is not about us. I know we have all heard that and it sounds good but when push comes to shove it is much harder to live than we ever thought. Many of us are familiar with popular Christian books that start out that way and then spend the entire rest of the book stating the opposite. If we are not careful support raising can become a case of “think about these other people in this terrible condition and give to us so we can go do something about it.” That just seems to be a clever way of saying it is about us.

Through this training we have encountered a God who is far more intimate, far more personal, far more super natural than we ever imagined. We have encountered a God who deeply loves us and meets us in the middle of our hurts and struggles. We have encountered a God who has given us authority, in His name, to help people find meaningful healing to physical wounds, emotional wounds, and even soul wounds. We have encountered a God who has exposed and removed lies that the enemy has whispered in our ears for decades. We encountered a God who said “I will lead you and guide you with my hand upon you” and did it! We encountered a God who said “call to me and I will answer you and show you great and unsearchable things that you do not know” and then did it! We encountered a God who is still speaking and began learning to recognize His voice in the midst absolute chaos. We encountered a God who answers us when we ask Him and does not rely on us making our best guess. This is the God we encountered and this was the God we brought to the people we ministered to during our outreach phase of training.

But we also encountered the enemy of our souls. We encountered the one whom Jesus defeated on the Cross. We encountered the one who seeks to keep people in darkness. The one who speaks lies because he speaks from his character of lies. And we saw the power of Jesus overcome him again and again.

We know that many of you need a renewed revelation of an ever present Jesus. We know that many of you need to be encouraged in your faith. We know that many of you are in the battle of your lives and need someone to pray for you and with you….not from across the Ocean but across the table.

So we still want to meet with as many of you as possible, but we purpose in the Holy Spirit to meet with you for the purpose of ministering by the power of Jesus with you and not soliciting you. We lay that right down and we entrust it to the One who has been so amazingly faithful to us. In essence we want to continue doing what we have been doing for the past two months and what we will continue to be doing in Berlin….praying for and seeing the Kingdom of God come into the world that you live in.

We would love to speak with you about how God is giving us freedom from fear and anxiety. How God is dealing with us in the area of taking responsibility for your family and still fulfill all that God has called you to do. Basically we would like to take what God has done for us and offer it to you and see if perhaps that is something that God would use to bless you.

You will also have a change to see us in the following venues:

June 1rst – Elder Led Prayer; the Village Church Flower Mound Campus June 7th & 8th – Celebration Weekend Lobby; the Village Church Flower Mound Campus June 8th – The Brookside Convention Center Hurst, TX 1244 Brookside Hurst, TX 76053. The festivities start at 6pm we would love to see any who can come out!